AMTDU Heritage Project

Earlier this year I initiated the AMTDU Heritage Project. My aim is to assemble, catalogue, classify, store and display the variety of historical elements, artefacts and artwork 'laying' around AMTDU. We have lots and lots of photographs, some old crew room books, and some paintings, however, we are a little short of actual 3-dimensional artefacts.
I have just acquired 3 large display cabinets for our Conference room, and intend on selecting the more suitable items for display (and storing and disposing others as appropriate)
My proposal to the ADAA is that if there are any members that would like to loan or donate a 'display-worthy' artefact, artwork etc, then I would be happy to display it in our cabinet or on our walls. The item would be properly secured in our Hangar, and properly recorded, catalogued and marked/signed with the owner's details. If the item doesn't fit or isn't of sufficient heritage value to display then I would respectfully return it immediately, as I don't have room to store those lesser-heritage value items.
My point of contact here at AMTDU is WO2 Nathan Dickson at or 458 81149.
For your consideration
Wing Commander Matt Hetherington
Commanding Officer
Air Mobility Training and Development Unit
RAAF Richmond Tel: 02 4587 3100 Mob: 0402 369 101